Viye - Horde Raiding Guild @ Al'Akir
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Prot pala applic / ret (but you dont need that!)

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Prot pala applic / ret (but you dont need that!) Empty Prot pala applic / ret (but you dont need that!)

Post  Clythe Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:02 pm


Thomas Søndergaard

Where do you live (country/city)? What are your hobbies? How do you spend your freetime? Let us know anything that comes to your mind.
I live in Denmark approx 30 km’s out of Copenhagen, I play tennis as my main hobby as well as teach it for money, freetime goes with that or books when im not playing wow, or im down swimming

How old are you?

What days and which hours are you available to raid?

Monday: 19-24

Tuesday: 21-24

Wednesday: 19-24

Thursday: 19-24

Friday: 19-24

Saturday: I’m generally very unstable in the weekends in summertime, so something like 19-24 but nothing promised

Sunday: Same as above

Can your computer and ISP handle all the current content in 25man mode?
Yes, we even did Lord Jarraxus, and I had no problems what so ever


Character name?


Do you have any dualspecc with gear good enough to use it in progress raids if needed?
Yes, originally I lvl’ed up and wanted to play ret so that’s what I focused on gearing my ret gear is fairly good compared to my prot gear.

Played time (overall and on level 80)?
8 days total
2 days on lvl 80

Current guilds and why you would want to leave them?
Bifrost I am just part of as a social member sort of came with that my rogue (main back from start of wotlk) had raid spot then I went on vacation and got demoted to social.

Why do you want to join Viye?
Seems like a fairly good progression guild that suits my needs.

Why should we pick you over other applicants?
Mainly because I’ve been around for ages have played 5 classes at their top lvl, have been officer in preiouvs guilds, and I do belive that I am the best as regards to stepping out of shiny stuff on the ground while raiding.

According to you, what is the most important aspect of your class? How does your character contribute in raids?
When playing ret it’s all the buffs we bring, 2% mana chance 3% crit Kings etc, while playing prot obviously the fact that we are keeping everyone alive by taking the pounding, and if playing holy best single target healer in game.

How do you as a person contribute in raids?
Usually I have overview enuff in a raid to spot if someone is messing up big time, usually I then whisper the person with a tip or something the like to prevent it from happening, after he wiped the raid of course, I usually also come with inputs on vent

Do you know any players in the guild?
Not really

Do you have a stable in-game economy?
Yes, I have epic flying + cwf + 400+ proffs on 4 chars, and something the like of 120k+ earned (only sitting on 4k atm tho) so yes always stabble

Any wws parses?
Sorry no



I started playing approx 2 weeks before tbc came out so nothing to mention here


Raided pretty descently, had cleared MH and some of BT by the time Sunwell came out, so yes I knew everything back then (never actually got to sunwell held a break)


Everything up to and including mimiron, +3 first bosses in ToTC 25 man

About your class

Do you consider yourself head of the game (always up to date with ptr notes and so on)?
Usually yes, I don’t read patch notes before they hit wowhead tho, and ofc I update myself on elitist jerks

What is the most fun and boring about your class (please try to find a good answer not just dps is fun heal is boring)?
The most boring part is being a dps when you’re going with a slow tank and basicly have nothing to do, the most fun is having an extremely good healer and tank an instance like GD in 15 mins (:

Name atleast two addons you would not be able to raid without? Also state why!
Recount – Gives a good view of who’s doing what in general, fight taken into consideration ofc
DBM – obviously because it keeps you alive
Grid – keeps track of everyone
Xperl unitframes – I wouldn’t be raiding again without this

Let's say we're on a boss and you run into a fire, if you run out of it, you wipe the raid and if you stay in it you will die, what would you do?
Buble HS see ya guys!?
Nah, well if I was stupid enuff to land myself in the fire I very well deserve to burn in hell tbh.

Any last words or things you wanna add that can make us consider you even more?
Yeah tho I enjoy wow a lot, I mainly play to the extreme during winter, in the summer im usually to busy to be a 100% stable raider. Aswell as generally all weekdays im afk ~20 mins or so of a raid due to my family being old fashion and eating as a family


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Prot pala applic / ret (but you dont need that!) Empty Re: Prot pala applic / ret (but you dont need that!)

Post  Clythe Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:03 pm

Seems it didnt wanna post my armory link so i'll try again:


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Prot pala applic / ret (but you dont need that!) Empty RE:application

Post  Manraiser Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:14 pm

Nice application, but we discussed youre application and we came to the conclusion youre starters gear is abit to low. I know we had a chat this afternoon but we just cant afford it to gear everyone up.

Thank you for interesting in Viye and Goodluck finding the right guild.

Peace out

Posts : 34
Join date : 2009-08-16

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