Viye - Horde Raiding Guild @ Al'Akir
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Prot/Holy Pala

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Prot/Holy Pala Empty Prot/Holy Pala

Post  Lagrand. Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:17 am

Ok, first off, we would like to know a bit more about you as a person.


Where do you live (country/city)? What are your hobbies? How do you spend your freetime? Let us know anything that comes to your mind.
I live in Ireland (west coast). Pretty rural place :d ..i play basketball with my school, play golf and love to go out with friends or play a game of poker or something lol ! Ehh also love to play wow when im not out and about (Tends to be for too long sometimes lol)

How old are you?
16 in a week

What days and which hours are you available to raid?








Can your computer and ISP handle all the current content in 25man mode?
Ofc havent had any prooblems yet anyway :>


Character name?


Do you have any dualspecc with gear good enough to use it in progress raids if needed?
I have a delightful holy spec Razz tht is geared alright for uld10

Played time (overall and on level 80)?
Lvl80:19days19hours 51minutes

Current guilds and why you would want to leave them? just back from vacation ---- and i was guildless - was in Odyessey before tht tho -- who have been struggling on keepers

Why do you want to join Viye?
I would like a ..... capable guild tht is capable of downing any of the current end game content bossess - nd from looking at your prrogress it seems like a guild tht could do it Smile

Why should we pick you over other applicants?
I have a brain---which sounds quite stupid to say....but some wow players --- well im you know what i mean -- also im very dilligent - ill never get angry at wipes --- i see them as mistakes to learn from and correct!

According to you, what is the most important aspect of your class? How does your character contribute in raids?
As a prot pala there is never any threat issues, for me anyway + The blessings and my aura effect tht increases healing taken is useful Smile Can never have enough pala's !!!!!

How do you as a person contribute in raids?
Anything from words of encouragement to identifying problems and how we can correct them! Keep an eye on who's
doing their job right- and not giving up.....

Do you know any players in the guild?
Well Nargel gave me the link <3

Do you have a stable in-game economy?
Ehh..can afford the pots/flasks/food/repairs and anything else tht needs to be got Smile

Any wws parses?


Vanilla:Didnt have Raiding char back then although i lvled a rogue in vanilla!

Tbc:Cleared karazhan on said rogue Razz Wasnt into raiding back then as i found myself shor on time :S

Os 10/25
Naxx 10/25 --- too many times
Uld --- bits and pieces here and there -- Xt,freya,thorim,hodir
totc-- first 2 on 10man havvnt found the right grp this week Smile

About your class

Do you consider yourself head of the game (always up to date with ptr notes and so on)?
Lets just ssyy i get nerdgasm's when i hear about new patches/expansionss--and i like to do my research Smile

What is the most fun and boring about your class (please try to find a good answer not just dps is fun heal is boring)?
Funnest thing would be -----The aoe capabilities of a prot pala ..... i have been prot since lvl 10 annd loved it every bit of the way eg Aoe'ing my way through instances and aooe grinding lvls <3 Boring ---- hmmm things tend to be quite repititive in healing as paladins aren't given a great deal of Healing spells to cast - HL-FoL-HS ftw tho...still ways to make it fun tho Very Happy

Name atleast two addons you would not be able to raid without? Also state why!
Recount - I always like to know who is putting in the most effort and who need tht extra push
AtlasLoot - Seeing what i could get from the next boss just makes me want to down tht mother-£"%!er and walk away with meh lubly new purples !!

Let's say we're on a boss and you run into a fire, if you run out of it, you wipe the raid and if you stay in it you will die, what would you do?
JEEENNNNKKKIIIIINNSS......ehh would stay ofc.....who would run out to wipe the raid...?

Any last words or things you wanna add that can make us consider you even more?
I've raided alot ---- have learned what i can do and the fastest way to do it --- Perfected the use of my key bindings and I will do whatever is needed of me in raids or preperation for raids..

Lagrand <3



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Prot/Holy Pala Empty RE:application

Post  Manraiser Sat Aug 22, 2009 5:51 pm

Accepted for trial.

Posts : 34
Join date : 2009-08-16

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