Viye - Horde Raiding Guild @ Al'Akir
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Alennè the Holy Paladin

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Alennè the Holy Paladin Empty Alennè the Holy Paladin

Post  Alennæ Sat Aug 22, 2009 2:40 pm



Where do you live (country/city)? What are your hobbies? How do you spend your freetime?
I live in Norway, more specificly the northern part of the country.

How old are you?
20, born the 9th of June 1989

What days and which hours are you available to raid?
From monday to sunday 18:00-02:00

Can your computer and ISP handle all the current content in 25man mode?
Yes, and they have done so since 1st of June 2005 not that there were 25man mode back then but 5\10\20\40man mode anyway


Character name?
Loremaster Alennè


Do you have any dualspecc with gear good enough to use it in progress raids if needed?
Got dualspecc with good enough gear to use in progress raids, this would be protection with a 4set who consists of 2 x Valorous Aegis and 2 x Conquerror Aegis and some other stuff gathered from Ulduar25-10(Hardmodez)\Naxx25 and Heroic mode 5man dungeons

Played time (overall and on level 80)?
Total time played: 103days, 19 hours, 51 minutes, 49 seconds
Time played this level: 64 days, 20 hours, 19 minutes, 31 seconds

Current guilds and why you would want to leave them?
Dìyù -

Why do you want to join Viye?
I wanna join Viyu, because I am Alennè and I'm a guildless sad cunt which seek a guild to fit in in once again. And I hope Viye will stick around for a long time

Why should we pick you over other applicants?
Because I'm a holy paladin and it seems that you are recruiting one

According to you, what is the most important aspect of your class? How does your character contribute in raids?
According to me paladins are a hybrid class and with dual specc it's turned into a damn good one too. Anyway, I as a paladin provides resistance auras for different kinds of encounters aswell as a different set of blessings which boosts different player's stats significently and not forget the judgement of wisdom and judgement of light which provides mana or healing to the raid. Also as a holy paladin my task is obviously to heal the raid and certain targets assigned or tanks if there isn't any healing assignments assigned, aswell as throw a sacred shield on whoever's tankin a hard hittin mob or do a ''raid shield wall'' aka divine sacrifice on the raid durin hardmodes or so. As a holy paladin it's also my job to buff people with different types of hands aswell such as hand of salvation to a player with threatissues, a hand of protection on a funny aoeing mage or a player who isn't focusing at all and are getting aggro by a mob and the tank haven't noticed this little encounter going on, or a hand of freedom to release a player from any root, nova, movement impairing effect. My job is also to cleanse the raid from any angry poison, disease, magic effect which might make many hurt. And then life goes on and we live happily ever after

How do you as a person contribute in raids?
Provide a good whoring service on ventrilo sometimes that's when you need to fasten your seatbelts and put up the table infront of you and turn off all elictricity devices couse we got some turbulence ahead. And rest outside the ventrilo's walls also known as ingame contribution durin a raid can be found answered in the above question.

Do you know any players in the guild?
Not as far as I know, but I do believe there is some known to me outside the guild in your trial\scrub hut

Do you have a stable in-game economy?
Deppends if I invest in something fancy the economy might go down abit but not so low that it would kill my gear or avoid me from havin stacked up more then 40 flasks in my bags, my in-game economy is far from stable tho

Any wws parses?
Here good sir have a bit of cake instead


Vanilla: Everything known to man in the 60 days except for Naxxramas were we only managed to kill 2 bosses before disbandin the guild ( Instructor Razuvious, Anub'Rehkan ) this was raped as a Resto Druid

Tbc: All the easymode content upto Illidan which we unfortunaly didn't kill due to lack of ''ok'' fire resistance tanks, and never saw any sunwell untill lvl 80 days this was done as a Loremaster Alennè with holy specc

Wotlk: All the easymode pugable content here aswell + Os3drakes prenerf both 10 and 25man mode, 2 bosses in Trial of the Crusader both 10 and 25man mode, Ulduar 10man progress on rusted proto-> all except for Crazy cat lady, firefighter, i love the smell of delicious cum and one light in the darkness, Ulduar 25 and 10 fully cleared none hardmode

About your class

Do you consider yourself head of the game (always up to date with ptr notes and so on)?

What is the most fun and boring about your class (please try to find a good answer not just dps is fun heal is boring)?
I like the tanking & healing Pve aspect of the paladin, I never ever do any pvp unless there's a guild premade, this goes aswell for arena. The really fun moments would be when the whole raid is allmost goes down and you are the only one healing them up again and everything relyes on you and you only to heal them to full again. This can also apply in all cases which you barely survive stuff from. Anything borin would be when you are standing at a spot far away into borean tundra waitin or something

Name atleast two addons you would not be able to raid without?
Grid, Deadlybossmods and any awesome ui frames which shows some fancy colors instead of the ordinary boring blizzard ui, why I use these ones would be because it makes it a whole lot easier to heal and the whole gameplay experience changes into something good

Let's say we're on a boss and you run into a fire, if you run out of it, you wipe the raid and if you stay in it you will die, what would you do?
I would prob beacon myself, heal the raid and whatever target I was assigned to be healing

Any last words or things you wanna add that can make us consider you even more?
Not really, the only thing would be that I'm allready fully geared up from Ulduar25-nonhardmode so this would make it easier and faster to gearup whoever others



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Alennè the Holy Paladin Empty Re: Alennè the Holy Paladin

Post  Nargus Sat Aug 22, 2009 3:33 pm

Me smells oldschool.Me likes.Accepted for a trial.Wisp me or manraiser for an inv.

Posts : 12
Join date : 2009-08-15
Age : 38
Location : Athens

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