Viye - Horde Raiding Guild @ Al'Akir
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Vigilant - Arms Warrior App.

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Vigilant - Arms Warrior App. Empty Vigilant - Arms Warrior App.

Post  Vigi Sat Aug 29, 2009 10:10 am

Ok, first off, we would like to know a bit more about you as a person.


Where do you live (country/city)? What are your hobbies? How do you spend your freetime? Let us know anything that comes to your mind.
I'm from Kuwait, I love to fish on weekends, watch sitcoms/movies with friends (AKA thai porn), and getting acquainted with chicks(AKA rejection with a side of humiliation), seldom you'd find me in a fitness center pursuing false dreams of reducing my humongous belly into a models six pack, basically there isn't much to do in Kuwait so you'd find me killing time playing video games online most of the time.

How old are you?

What days and which hours are you available to raid?
Weekends (Saturday and Friday): All day long
Workdays : from 7 pm till 3-4 am

Can your computer and ISP handle all the current content in 25man mode?
Yep, quad core intel with a new nvidia gfx, and a stable connection at about 100-150 ms.


Character name?


Do you have any dual spec with gear good enough to use it in progress raids if needed?
Sadly nope, but I'm working on a tanking set from conquest badges.

Played time (overall and on level 80)?
Overall: 146 days
Level 80: 36 days

Current guilds and why you would want to leave them?
Electric Crown , a casual chat guild, and I wanted to pursue a raiding career.

Why do you want to join Viye?
I aim to excel at raiding and to do so I sought the best guilds on alakir, Viye is clearly one of them.

Why should we pick you over other applicants?
You'd have an exceptionally experienced & dedicated player, I'm very skilled at playing my class and familiar with melee mechanics, I'm the kind of person that wants to solve problems instead of just discussing them, I plunge right into things not caring if I get my hands dirty and have the ability to improvise around situation to bring about desired results.

According to you, what is the most important aspect of your class? How does your character contribute in raids?
An arms warrior is the backbone of melee DPS, providing battle shout(or commanding shout)/Trauma/Blood frenzy/Shattering throw and possibly sunder armor, which could relieve other classes from having to sacrifice talents to get replacement buffs, Also an Arms warrior is one of the most mobile melee ever, giving him an advantage on many fights that require such mobility to climb up in the meters.

How do you as a person contribute in raids?
I have a very positive attitude, I never considered wipes as failures instead you learn ways that won't work by wiping Razz and the more you do the more you're closer to your goal, I'm fun to be around(or so I've been told) lifting up spirits when they're down Razz

Do you know any players in the guild?
Sadly I haven't had the honor.

Do you have a stable in-game economy?
Yes sir, especially since last patch as I LOVE to bg alot, and every couple of them = epic gem Razz

Any wws parses?
none atm sorry.


Vanilla: MC/BWL etc.. used to PvP alot..

Tbc: only raided first couple of raids.. kara, gruul, maggy.. little bit of SSC.. little bit of TK but that's all Razz

Wotlk: Naxx , malygos, OS , ulduar 10

About your class
Do you consider yourself head of the game (always up to date with ptr notes and so on)?
Just for the warrior class, I keep updating my knowledge by frequently vising the warrior forums on the elitist jerks and tankspot sites.

What is the most fun and boring about your class (please try to find a good answer not just dps is fun heal is boring)?
The boring aspect about warriors is that they don't function without the absolute best of gear, but the fun side is that when you actually reach that level, you'd find yourself a DPS machine with a non ending resource of rage.

Name at least two addons you would not be able to raid without? Also state why!
Power auras classic, alerts my of TofB and SD procs.
Omen threat meter, for obvious reasons Razz
Pitbull, custom UI makes the view much clearer
Rating buster, convert any rating value into a percentage of the actual stat
Deadlyboss Mods, also for obvious reasons Razz

Let's say we're on a boss and you run into a fire, if you run out of it, you wipe the raid and if you stay in it you will die, what would you do?
If I didn't know that It would wipe the raid I'd leave as a reaction, if I did know then basically there's no choice but roast myself Razz

Any last words or things you wanna add that can make us consider you even more?
I volunteered to manage DKP for my last raiding guild and led some of the raids successfully, having done that it made relate a lot more to the hard work done by any guild managing crew to maintain it's stability.

Thanks for spending the time to read my application.


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Vigilant - Arms Warrior App. Empty My Armory :o

Post  Vigi Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:31 am


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Vigilant - Arms Warrior App. Empty Re: Vigilant - Arms Warrior App.

Post  Nargus Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:37 am

Sorry m8 but our spot for dps warrior got filled yesterday.Thank you for the application and gl on finding a guild.

Posts : 12
Join date : 2009-08-15
Age : 38
Location : Athens

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